محتويات توصيف مقرر Medical Biochemistry للامراض الصدرية

VII- Cartilage :

1-histological features of cartilage cells, fibers & matrix.

2-Types of cartilage and their specific histological features.

A-hyaline cartilage.

b. yellow elastic cartilage.

c. white fibro-cartilage.


1-General microscopic features of bone and how it can be studied histologically

2-Types (compact & spongy bone): structure, sites,  and function.

3-Bone cells: structure (LM&EM) and functions.

4-Intercellular substance of bone.

5-The development and  ossification


1-red blood corpuscles (histological structure &function).

2- Histological structure &function of granular leucocytes (neutrophil, eosinophil, basophils).

3- histological structure &function of non granular leucocytes (lymphocytes& monocytes).

4-differential leucocytic count

 5-blood platelets (histological structure &function).


 7-myeloid tissue(inactive yellow bone marrow& active red bone marrow).

 X-Muscle tissue

1-General character and types.

2-skeletal muscle:

-general features &types of skeletal muscle fibers.

-organization of skeletal muscle.

-functional ultrastructure of myofibrils& sarcomere.

-molecular structure of actin and myosin

-muscle contraction

-innervation of  skeletal muscle

-cardiac muscle

-general structure and functional relations.

-Intercalated discs

-Conducting system of the heart    

-moderator band

3-smooth muscle :

general structure, muscle contraction& innervation.

4- Comparative study of three types of muscles.

5- Growth and regenerative ability of muscular tissue.

      XI-Nervous tissue 

1-Structure of neuron (LM&EM) cell body, axon, ,dendrites

2- types  of nerve cells

3-types and structure of nerve fibers

th   4-organization of nerve fibers

5-mylination of CNS&PNS

6-nerve ganglia (types &structure).

7-synapses( structure and types)

8-degeneration and regeneration of neurons

9-stain used  to study nervous tissue including those of degeneration

10-Neuroglia structure and their functions

11-Types and structure of nerve endings (receptors and effector )


1-general structure of the wall of blood vessels

 2-Arteries: Large  , Medium-Sized& small (histological structure &function )

3-Veins ;Large  , Medium-Sized& small(histological structure &function )

4-histological structure of specialized arteries &veins.

5-arteriovenous connections :

 a-Capillaries histological structure and function

   b- Sinusoids

  c-arteriovenous anastomosis

6-Heart; histological structure of pericardium ,myocardium ,endocardium and valves



1-Pituitary Gland

2-Thyroid Gland

3-Parathyroid Glands

4-Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands

5- pineal body

6-islet’s of pancreas

7-difuse neuroendocrine  system



1-structure of lymph vessels

2-distribution and structure of lymphoid tissue.

3-lymphatic organs:

a- Lymph Nodes (histological structure &function)

  b-Spleen(  histological structure &function&       microcirculation)

  c-Tonsils(histological structure &function)

  d-Thymus(histological structure &function)

  e-Mucosal immune system (histological structure &function) 

4-Mononuclear phagocytes

5-Cells involved in the immune system

6- Antigen presenting cell




respiratory  system (histological structure and function ) nasal cavity, nasal conchae, olfactory area, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, pharyngeal tonsils, larynx, epiglottis, trachea, bronchial tree, bronchioles)

2- respiratory portion respiratory (histological structure and function) bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli ,interalveolar wall )

3-structure of pleura

4-structure of fetal lung

5-Non respiratory function of lung

6-Bronchus associated lymphoid tissue


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