نتائج توصيف مقرر علم أمراض الذكورة للدكتوراة

3- المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :             


أ- المعلومات والمفاهيم :    

  1. Knowledge and Understanding:

2.a.1       Discuss the normal structure and function of the human reproductive system on the macro and microscopic levels and describe the common abnormalities.

2.a.2       Describe normal development and growth of the human reproductive system and list diseases resulting from disturbances in embryological development.

2.a.3        Discuss in depth Physiology of erection and ejaculation  and  functional organization and hormonal control of testis and illustrate the detailed steps of the processes of spermatogenesis and fertilization.

2.a.4       Recognize the causes of male and female sexual dysfunction, male infertility and explain its possible pathogenesis with mentioning the recent theories suggested in this field.      

2.a.5       Outline the common and advanced diagnostic and laboratory techniques necessary to diagnose the causes of male and female sexual dysfunction and male infertility.

2.a.6       Identify the various therapeutic methods /alternatives used for managing sexual dysfunctions, male infertility and STDs and recognize the basis of recent therapeutic modalities including ART techniques, stem cell therapy, gene therapy and recent vaccines.

2.a.7       Distinguish the normal findings in semen analysis from the possible abnormalities according to the most recent reference parameters and identify the possible causes of these abnormalities.

2.a.8       Explain methods of improving sexual and reproductive health in men and women.

2.a.9       Discuss possible psychological, social, professional and economic impact of different sexual and reproductive problems and sexually transmissible diseases.

2.a.10     Appraise the ethical and medico legal principles that should be applied in the practice and are relevant to the field of Andrology.

2.a.11 Recognize the basics, fundamentals, ethics and different tools of scientific research.

ب- المهارات الذهنية  :

  1. b.    Intellectual skills:

2.b.1              Differentiate between psychogenic and organic sexual dysfunction and between different causes of the organic type.

2.b.2              Integrate data acquired through history taking, clinical and histopathological examination to choose the suitable lab test or diagnostic technique to reach a provisional diagnosis for various andrological problems .

2.b.3              Analyze diagnostic results and critically evaluate their strength and validity.

2.b.4              Classify therapeutic options for different sexual dysfunction and infertility cases and Choose the suitable option according to the cause and the impact on patient’s life.

2.b.5              Evaluate and Criticize researches or hypotheses related to Venereology and Andrology and express the opinions based on scientific evidences and proofs.

2.b.6              Plan, conduct and write-up a program of original research.

2.b.7               Manage the communication skills, thesis writing, scientific publication, written and oral reports, teamwork for oral (PowerPoint) presentations.

جـ- المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر :


  1. c.     Practical and Professional skills

2.c.1               Take history by asking focused questions to allow the patient to talk freely about embarrassing problems and manage the history taking efficiently to extract important data.

2.c.2               Perform physical examination for genital skin, inguinal lymph nodes, sex organs and secondary sex characters efficiently and discriminate between normal and abnormal findings with perfection of clinical tests used in diagnosis.

2.c.3               Diagnose cases accurately depending on integrated patient data.

2.c.4               Perform basic and advanced diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with perfection such as intracorporeal injections and podophylline application  to serve the Venereal and Andrological problems.

2.c.5               Apply sterile, safe techniques and infection control guidelines according to international principles during examination or application of any procedure to avoid transmission of infections

2.c.6               Manage complicated cases of sexual dysfunction and choose the suitable medical or surgical line.

2.c.7               Manage cases of infertility problems due to different causes, assess the female factor and consider the option of cooperation with gynecologist .

2.c.8               Manage all andrological emergencies properly

2.c.9               Write medical reports about the sexual function, sexually transmissible diseases and cases of infertility in a professional manner.

د -  المهارات العامة :   

  1. a.    General and Transferable skills

3.d.1       Communicate effectivelywith colleages, patients and health care providers with care and respect.

3.d.2       Use standard computer programs effectively in preparing research assignment or in demonstrating data in scientific Symposium 

3.d.3       Use information technology to enhance his/her lifelong learning skills.

3.d.4       Assess self knowledge and identify personal learning needs.

3.d.5       Analyze own practical experience to recognize his/her strengths, deficiencies, and limits in knowledge and expertise.

3.d.6       Work coherently and successfully as a part of a team to research and prepare a scientific topic or  solve a problem.

3.d.7       Work coherently and successfully as a team's leader and evaluate the performance of the team members

3.d.8       Demonstrate respect to all patients irrespective of their socio-cultural or religious status.

3.d.9       Share in learning of others (e.g. subordinates/ trainees etc...)  and determination of standards for evaluation of their  performance to improve practice.

3.d.10   Organize and manage time to plan and implement efficient and effective modes of working.

3.d.11   Handle appropriately difficult situations such as discussing low fertility status, explaining the chronicity and  serious complications of some sexually transmissible diseases  or dealing with patient and family anger.

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