توصيف ماجيستير HIST 601 محتويات

Clinical haematology :
- Indications for blood transfusion.
- Hazards of blood transfusion.

-Anemias :
-Iron deficiency anemia
-Megaloplastic anemia
-Hemolytic anemias
-Aplastic anemia.
- Total and differential blood picture.
- Manual blood cells count
Normal haemostasis.
Clinical Chemistry :
- Carbohydrates.
- Proteins
- lipid
- Liver function.
-Kidney function
-Urine and stool analysis
Semen analysis
Clinical microbiology :
- Methods of collecting samples and criteria of
- Staining and culture media.
- Exfoliative cytology.
Clinical immunology :
- Types of antigen and antibody reactions.
- Histocombatability tests.
- Immunological aspects of different diseases.

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